Kamis, 15 Januari 2009

The design concept of Ornamental Fish Store and accessories


Ornamental fish shop: A place to show off, offer, and sell a product.
Ornamental fish: Fish that have a uniqueness, charm, and serves to aesthetics.
Accessories: something good that has additional functionality and can function to aesthetics.

Ornamental fish shop and accessories is the place to sell ornamental fish to be maintained also sell equipment related to ornamental fish.


Increasing number of people who maintain and collect ornamental fish to meet their needs, then needed a store

ornamental fish complete with aksesorisny, so the people who keep ornamental fish hobby, not hard to find supplies, equipment, and ornamental fish.


How to design and designing an ornamental fish shop and accessories that can give comfort to the visitors who will come. The design concept of Ornamental Fish Store and accessories


Designing an ornamental fish shop and the accessories that can give comfort to the perpetrators of the activity.


-. Area 60 x 30m
-. A minimum area of 50m, maximum 100m


Basic considerations: the activities associated with ornamental fish collecting hobby
Goal: provide the type of space activities in accordance with


-. Sell ornamental fish and accessories
-. Look ornamental fish
-. Buy food and equipment associated with ornamental fish
-. Learning about the cultivation of ornamental fish


The concept that we use for building form, we transform the shape of fish anatomy, fish body shape is identical to
curve, giving a dynamic impression. To form a triangle shape derived from the transformed fish kebentuk roof

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