Sabtu, 18 Juli 2009

Interior with Cold Color Nuance

Cool colors Color is known for giving effect nuance or feeling cold, cool. We will try to simply try to feel the effects of the following colors colors. Imagine the green of the meadow that stretched. Or the blue-green color from the color of sea water. Also silvery gray color of iron metal. All the colors that are in a cool color color group. Team colors ranging from green to blue direction.

Cool colors, generally have a fairly diverse nature, ranging from soothing calm nature, until the cold gives a refreshing sense of calm. Cool colors Colors can be obtained from the soothing blue-green color, blue color, until the purplish blue color. While the colors are refreshing cool colors we get from yellowish green color, green color, until the color of bluish green color.

As for color neutral gray color is basically a combination of two colors, black with a white neutral, and its color can be a soothing background, do not make excessive emphasis on human emotion. Ash gray color often associated with equipment made of metal, is clean, cold, and also associated to the modern nuances. While often associated with black color in addition to the background, something that is empty, the emptiness of the universe, can also disosiasikan as something mystical, sad, or even something negative. In contrast with the black, white color is associated as a quiet, wide open, clean.

Senin, 06 Juli 2009

Specify lamp light atmosphere on House

Sure you want to get the right kind of light, with accurate lighting layout. Because it will make your residence will feel comfortable and also artistic.

Light coming from the lamp to be one important element, because it can build and create the character of the room, could also make the room warm and alive.

If you want to get a good light in the room, you should use a lamp that has a yellow light. For much softer light and not make the eyes glare, the light will also make ornaments or accessories in the room more lively.

Lighting in one room at home, can not use fluorescent lights with white light. Therefore, this lamp is more suitable to be used in the office, because the rays are so bright.

Lighting design has also been growing, and now has a modern light. For example, the chandelier in the dining room, built with funnel shape with light focused on the dining room area.

It now has so many designs for home lighting, but do not let your one vote. Do not choose just because you like the lamp, but also think about whether it was appropriate lights are placed in one part of your house.